
It starts this week with Thanksgiving. We panic and shop as if we didn’t know it was coming the entire year. We run to the store and grab everything that will be needed for Thanksgiving Day, as if the stores will actually be closed. Black Friday drips into the Thanksgiving turkey with it’s lucrative sales of stuff you don’t need and wouldn’t buy if it wasn’t on sale.

It has become a holiday tradition, along with green bean casserole, to SHOP. Frenzied shopping! The traffic in Houston worsens immediately after Thanksgiving dinner is served. Do not go anywhere near a mall in Houston, especially The Galleria, between Thanksgiving and Christmas.  There are NO parking spaces unless you arrive before they open and ask your Parking Lot Angel for help. 

People are in a daze thinking of what they need to DO and BUY.  Human Beings become Human Doings and Human Buyings.  It is time for serious defensive driving PRACTICE, not just theory.

We get to the place where we want to just “get it over with.”  Thanksgiving down, Christmas, and Christmas Eve to go.  Then New Year’s Eve then New Year’s Day.  Ahhh…finally relax ‘til Valentine’s.  Face the bills, breathe, clean up the Christmas crap, and sigh a big sigh of relief that the HOLIDAZE are finally over.

Next time, we will talk about how everything is a CHOICE, even during the Holidaze.